Current release version of the Android RCS dialer is 2.1.9, for iOS based devices it is 2.6
new media stack for Android devices (WebRTC)
new audio codec OPUS, since this version this is the default codec for ONNET calls
new video codec VP8
geolocation sharing in chat window and during a call
plans menu – packages of minutes to group of countries, offered at fixed rate per month
DIDs support – virtual phone numbers, users can purchase phone numbers directly from the app (monthly payments)
new emoticons
additional payment options (on Android), now users can pay directly from the app using Google Wallet, credit cards, Paypal, Cash U
encryption for both audio and video, now all ONNET calls are encrypted using SRTP with 128 bit key
sign in with a service ID (username) as an alternative to signing in with phone number
multidevice support (account sharing), a user can have up to 4 devices registered and be logged in from them at the same time, incoming calls and messages are forked to all devices
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