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Calling Cards

PIN and PINless solution

Voipswitch’s Calling Card platform is a complete system enabling selling physical cards with PIN as well as offering online managed PINless services. A provider can also combine both PIN and PINless or even share accounts with other services deployed on VoipSwitch.

Calling Card is a module which runs on top of the softswitch and inherits all the routing, charging and billing features of the core system. In addition, customers can manage their services and account through the VoipSwitch User Portal. Thanks to an extensive set of web API methods the platform can be integrated with any calling card website.

VoipSwitch’s Calling Card is the only totally turnkey solution with a level of flexibility that can be deployed to meet your exact specifications.

The platform is SIP based and uses DID technology. A provider can connect access numbers (DIDs) taken from various DID vendors (e.g. Voxbone, DIDx and many more). Thus, a provider can rapidly expand worldwide and offer services in different countries with one central Calling Card server.

The module comes with:

  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system

  • Dozens of ready to use language versions of the prompts

  • Several flow scenarios for PIN and PINLess with various options like top up, money transfer, balance announcement, remember Caller ID etc.

  • Scripting tool with documentation for building own scenarios

Selling through an agents chain – Agent Portal

Agents, which can be retail stores, cafes and other points, can take cash payments to sign up a new phone number or recharge existing customers or another phone number. Those customers can then make calls by dialing an access number without having to enter a PIN. Providers can offer the service through a chain of agents offering commissions on top ups.

Main features

  • Multi-languages IVR, language per access number or per customer

  • Speed dial

  • Quick calling

  • PiN and PiNless support

  • Auto PINless for new PIN customers

  • Multiple authorized caller IDs per user

  • Money transfer between accounts

  • International Mobile Topup

  • Recharge via credit card

  • Vouchers support

  • Ability to Transfer Balance from a new PIN to an existing account

  • Low balance/Last minute alert during a call

  • On low balance autorecharge or SMS notification

Free Demo Session

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