New feature in our UC solution. Fully managed from the VUC portal. Now your PBX/UC users can receive voicemail transcriptions via chat. You do not need to listen to every message you get, just take a look at a chat. You will find more in our docs
Complete white-label VoIP solution for service providers

Voipswitch Main Package

Unified Communication / PBX

Rich Communication Suite

Calling Cards Platform

Other Modules

VoIP mobile and desktop clients
+ backend platform
+ backend platform
Rich Communication Suite solution for providers
- HD Audio and Video
- Encryption
- Presence status + last seen
- One to one chats
- Group chats
- Multimedia sharing and geo location
- Enhanced Address Book (users discovery)
- Sign up with SMS verification, Google +, Facebook or email
- Integration with 3rd party systems for offnet calling and SMS
Unified Communication for providers
- WebRTC powered self-care portal
- Multitenant PBX
- Auto-attendants
- Encryption
- Mobile UC Clients
- Video & HD Audio
- RCS features
Voipswitch has exciting NEW offerings it will display at the ITW hosted at the HYATT REGENCY & SWISSÔTEL 151 East Wacker Drive, Chicago, IL, 60601, USA from 14-16 May 2017. Voipswitch will demonstrate its progressive approach to exploring new ideas and new business models to lead the market with original concepts and true added value….
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