Voipswitch and DIDx announce exclusive offer for voipswitch customers
Order 1000 phone numbers from the USA for as little as $150 per month!!! Allow your clients to experience the benefits of the next generation telephony. For only 15 cents per month per number you can offer your clientele incoming calls to their VoIP devices.  

How it works:

  1. Purchase a block of US numbers from DIDx
  2. Import the block to Voipswitch via its DID API ( a very simple procedure)
  3. Configure the online Sign Up component to use DID phone number as a username for the newly created account.
  4. Set the imported US numbers prefix as free in the tariff section on voipswitch.
  5. Bill your customers anywhere from $5 to 10$ a month per number.
  When a new user signs up from your website an account will be created with one of the US numbers as the user’s login automatically. The newly created client can register to voipswitchfrom a VoIP device or a mobile softphone. Instantaneously the account is set up to receive calls. Incoming calls to the US phone number will trigger a standard ringing tone on the VoIP softphone. No additional configuration is required. An additional benefit to your subscribers is that if the US numbers from your block are set to be free of charge within your voipswitch, then all your users will be able to call each other for free irrespective of their geographical location!Thanks to voip tunnel this service can work also in Dubai.


Watch our short video presenting the offer:

Contact us for details:

www.didx.net   sales@didx.net www.voipswitch.com   sales@voipswitch.com