ITEXPO West September 1-3, 2009
Los Angeles Convention Center, booth #611
Voipswitch will be exhibiting its line of products including the award winning voipswitch softswitch & billing platform, IP PBX, Vippie SIP communicator and mobile softphones family.
We would like to invite our guests to the
DIDx and Voipswitch Lucky Strike Bowling Party
Directions: Less than 1/2 mile from L.A. Convention Center, Los Angeles,
When: Sept 2, 2009 Wednesday, 8-10 PM right after ITEXPO West Reception and Expo
How: Get ready to strike, spare and cheer! Bowl, socialize, biz dev with industry friends. Soft
drinks, beer, wine and well drinksand fantastic heavy h”ordeurves are complimentary.
didx@didx.net or phone 1-850-207-2598 and ask for Suzanne Bowen.