ATCOM is a leading manufacturer of VoIP hardware PBXes and SIP adapters. Its IP PBX product series is ideally suited for both business and residential customers. The devices are available in wide selection starting from one port IP01 box at very attractive price to multiport box with different FXS/FXO ports combinations. Voipswitch has recently developed…
Complete white-label VoIP solution for service providers

Voipswitch Main Package

Unified Communication / PBX

Rich Communication Suite

Calling Cards Platform

Other Modules

VoIP mobile and desktop clients
+ backend platform
+ backend platform
Rich Communication Suite solution for providers
- HD Audio and Video
- Encryption
- Presence status + last seen
- One to one chats
- Group chats
- Multimedia sharing and geo location
- Enhanced Address Book (users discovery)
- Sign up with SMS verification, Google +, Facebook or email
- Integration with 3rd party systems for offnet calling and SMS
Unified Communication for providers
- WebRTC powered self-care portal
- Multitenant PBX
- Auto-attendants
- Encryption
- Mobile UC Clients
- Video & HD Audio
- RCS features
ITEXPO West September 1-3, 2009 Los Angeles Convention Center, booth #611 Voipswitch will be exhibiting its line of products including the award winning voipswitch softswitch & billing platform, IP PBX, Vippie SIP communicator and mobile softphones family. We would like to invite our guests to the DIDx and Voipswitch Lucky…
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