The VoipSwitch platform supports a multilayered account ownership structure. The layers constitute the provider, its resellers and two additional levels of sub-resellers. These layers are served by the system in realtime meaning that the credit control application controls balances of a user on each level and terminates the call when any of the balances in the structure has been depleted.
Real time handling of resellers allows the resellers to create and assign to users their own rate plans (tariffs) and subscriptions. The provider assigns a base tariff to resellers and controls the resellers’ balances in real time regardless of balances and charging of reseller’s users.
Another, auxiliary layer is Agents. They are not charged per account airtime but per topups and new account creations. They are controlled by resellers and can build sales networks separately for each reseller.
Main Features:
Multi-level structure – resellers are divided on levels and have different rights. The main purpose of the resellers support is to enable selling VoIP services through a network of service distributors/agent, which can provision their end-users themselves through the web interface.
Branded User Portal for each reseller – Resellers can have a branded, customized User Portal.
Per reseller Online Shop integration Online Shop configured separately for each reseller (using its own online payment gateways).
Calling cards – resellers can have their own, exclusive access numbers which are accessible only for their customers (blocked for other resellers’ accounts).
Tariff plans and packages (subscriptions) support – The billing system behind the reseller structure is based on separate tariff plans associated with each reseller account. Resellers can create their own rates sheets for their users or sub-resellers.
Localization – multi-currency support, multi-lingual interfaces
Web-based management interface with active calls monitoring and advanced reporting